About US

About the store

SOUQNOR is a company registered in the official departments of the Republic of Turkey under the tax number 7750766088, and commercial registration number 207251-5 and its headquarters in Istanbul.

SOUQNOR Company is an online store specialized in the field of e-commerce, founded in 2019 in Turkey and the main objective is to provide many products of high quality and competitive prices.

Our Vision

We look forward to be one of the best sites in the Turkish, Arab and world market, and achieve leadership on the local, Arab and global level, in terms of providing the highest quality in the field of e-commerce for visitors and achieve their goal, and provide the best products with high quality and competitive prices, which contributes to the addition of more From success to their success.


Customer satisfaction first by providing facilities in the field of electronic commerce and remote shopping where we are distinguished by our expertise in this area.
Always striving to apply the highest quality standards in packaging, processing and prompt delivery.
Providing technical support and customer service by receiving inquiries and feedback about our store in the belief that the basis of capital is customer satisfaction.
Pick products that suit the customer.


Office Phone: 00902122350427

Mobile: 00905349338994

Address: kocatepe Mah. şehit Muhtar Bey cad. No: 18/3 Beyoğlu / istanbul

Email: info@souqnor.com / contact@souqnor.com